Appointment Booking Instructions

Step by step guide on how to book your appointment.

Appointment Booking Instructions

How to Book

  1. Select your preferred location from the locations page.
  2. Select the appropriate service at the top of the page (ex. General Lab Work).
  3. Select an available day.
  4. Select an available time.
  5. Enter your first name, last name, and phone number.
  6. If you would like an email confirmation of your appointment day and time, please enter your email address.
  7. Select “Book”.

A confirmation page will display your appointment information.  Please record, copy or print this information for your own reference.

If all dates are grey and do not provide any appointment times, then that location is currently fully booked for the next 3 weeks.

A new day of appointments will become available every day, 3 weeks in advance, except for weekends or holidays.

If you are having difficulty booking an appointment, please call our central call center at 250-763-4813 and be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Which city are you making the appointment in?
  • First and Last name, phone number, and email address (optional)

If there are no available appointments, you will need to try again on the next business day.

Our call center uses the same system that is available on our website and does not have access to any additional appointments.  To avoid waiting on hold, please see our website to book the appointment online.